Dienstag, 28. September 2010

My study: Creative Technology

Since I am studying Creative Technology, I would like to tell you what I think about it so far.
Well at first I need to tell you that there are three courses by now. Those are "We Create Identity", "Graphic Design" and "Introduction To Computer Science".
In the first one or two weeks "We Create Identity" was really confusing for me. This was because I did not really have an idea about the courses goal. By now I like the course and I recognized that this course is mainly about two things. One is that you learn to present yourself, the other thing is to explore a huge amount of technology mainly online, like this blogging site, google documents, google groups and so on.
Graphic Design is a second course which confused me at first, because the course started by talking about numbers, letters and signs and that for hours. But then we went on with talking about pictures. Now I really have an idea how to use typefaces and where to place an object in a picture as well as the colour, size ... I use. This is really helpful and I like to sit in the classroom and talk about the work of my fellow students as well as it is very helpful hearing them talk about your work and making suggestions about what could be done better.
Our third course is Introduction to Computer Science which I liked from the beginning because it really is the most technical course which I am very interested in. We are talking about everything like the OSI model in a very practic way as I think.
Actually that is everything by now and I am looking forward to our programming courses hoping there will be as much game designing aspects as possible :)

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