Donnerstag, 4. November 2010

My essay about Web Technology

Our second study course by Anton Eliens is Web Technology. In Web Technology - as you might guess – we should inform us more about how the web works and learn to make for example our own homepages using html. We were still working on our video project during this course but we finally finished it a day before presentation. The presentation went quite good although I was pretty sure we won’t make it in time because in our group were some members who didn’t really make their work in time so that those who had to work with the material of the others had less time than planned. Because of me being the one who made the XIMPEL stuff which is the last step in the project, I had to hurry up. But I am glad we really made it in time in the end. To come back to the course, we had some new assignments. One of these was to make a “worst page”. Sounds stupid but I think it was one of the best assignments so far, because on the one side, you need to deal with the technology needed to program such a site and on the other side it can be very funny to make an annoying webpage.
As I already knew how to deal with HTML and PHP I knew the structure of these languages as well. That made it quite easy for me to learn how to include JavaScript and CSS into these documents. For my worst page I looked for a way to reload the page continuously after a specified amount of time. This is quite easy solved by using an AJAX function (which is in a way only JavaScript). So I reloaded the page 3 times a second or something like that. Then I wanted to implement a function that changes the position of the window as well as the size every time the page is reloaded. Using some random functions and searching for the commands to change the position and size of the window using JavaScript I soon had what I wanted. After that I searched for some annoying music which I found in a Japanese song. I added some sound tracks to the song using Adobe Premiere and then implemented the music as background music for the webpage. Then I searched for some annoying gif’s I could use for my background. As I found them I implemented one of them as default background and made another random variable which gave the webpage another background each time the page reloads. Finally I implemented an annoying text with random color black or white and put a mouse over event on the text which would again call my functions to change position and size of the screen and additionally call an alert function to open randomly between 1 and 20 times. This is the link to my worst page:
But you will need to open it with the Mozilla Firefox Browser and please make sure your speakers aren’t too loud and you have no tabs opened you won’t find back. Although if you know how to, you may close the window easy. Just make sure your cursor stays on the most top of the screen to not activate the mouse over function, then simply close the window by pressing CTRL (German: STRG) and W.
To conclude the Web Technology course I would like to give a brief review. At first I think it wasn’t very logical to give us due dates for reviewing the group work that are before the final event. The same happened in the first course where we had to review our fellow students before really getting them to know. Although we could have changed that afterwards, but then why make a due date before?
Furthermore I heard from some students that we did not really learn anything in these courses and that we had to learn everything on our own. I personally had not really a problem with that but that might be because I did most of the stuff here in my last school. So for some students who for example did not write any line of code before or did not even know what HTML is, well they had a big problem learning all these things within a very short time. But then again I think you learn more if you did it yourself than just by hearing from any professor how to do this and that. By trying yourself you understand better what you do and you can remember it better. This tells me that there should be made a compromise between these two extremes. Although I really must admit that our teacher provided a very good support either by e-mail or personally. All in all, this course was a big deal better than the last and I really liked it although it made me work a lot.

My essay about ‘We Create Identity’

In the beginning of the course I was really confused about what this all could be about. Especially Anton Eliens’ homepage improved this feeling of being confused. I was wondering what he is expecting from us and tried to figure it out of his lectures. After a while I realized two things. The first thing is that he wants us to be able to present ourselves and how to sell ourselves in a good way (hopefully an understandable translation of the German phrase “sich gut verkaufen koennen”). The other thing is that he wants us to experience the web, which worked really well at least in my opinion.
To underline that I am going to explain you what I already learned. The first thing was the blogger. I have never read a blog before (shame on me) and never searched for something like that. But in case of your assignment I created a blog on blogger which was really easy to do. Then I searched for things I can add to the blog (beneath these simple things like links or pictures….). I found out that it is very easy to add many gadgets to your blog. I used a list of interesting links, a video bar gadget as well as the blog archive and the fish gadget (the one window where fishes follow your mouse arrow and eat the food you can put by clicking).
Most other things I learned are because of the interactive video project (I will come later to this). At first I experienced the Google documents and Google presentations, which I never even heard of before. It was kind of fascinating for me that you can edit your work with multiple persons at the same time because I had the problem of not being able to even open a Microsoft Word document while another person is editing it.
Another important thing I got to know is the Google groups. There it is really easy to create an own page with several features. We did so for our group RiG (come to this later too). But because of the fact that this is repeating with the blog thing I am going to switch to the XIMPEL part. For that I need to explain our interactive video assignment first.
Well we had to form groups which members have the same interests in case of what the video should be about. My group is called RiG which stands for “Reality interacts Gaming”. Our themes are fitness and education, so that our interactive video will be about that. Our concept for the video is that we introduce a fat, lazy student who got just broken up with his girlfriend because of him playing too much computer games. Then there is an opportunity for the student to change his life, he sees an advertisement about a new game which makes the player do more sports and learn more for school or university. As player of this interactive video you can decide whether to play the game or not (of course this is only one of many choices). If you do everything right you can make your avatar an attractive, intelligent and sporty person. To realize the interactive part in the video we needed a program called XIMPEL.
I already have some programming experience so I am the one of our group who does the XIMPEL part. After realizing that XIMPEL is not a user friendly click and drag program as you often have nowadays I started to figure out which data of the XIMPEL-package stands for what. Then I started to read the code and tried out my own examples. In the end I really can say that the name (S/X)IMPEL fits. Furthermore I learned how to edit videos using the Adobe software. After editing I had to consider the problem of how to convert all the videos we made into the same format, size and so on. Luckily I already had a program for that before. The program is called SUPER and I think it really is. It is not only for free it can even handle more formats than I know. Therefore I made the first interactive video part we already showed in our course.
Now I would like to change to another theme than just the ‘We Create Identity’ course.
I would like to tell something about my expectations and hopes concerning the whole study program. Many things we did so far are the creative part of our study and almost only what we did on our own belongs to the technology part. Regarding this I hope our study program will become a little more technical. I am especially interested in C++ game programming as well as game programming in any other language. Therefore I would be very delighted if we implement these themes in our study program. What I would like to do is a simple game like for example the classic Mario. This is because I am very interested in how you design these “progressive environments”.

Montag, 1. November 2010

Presentation of our interactive video project

Last Friday we had to present our interactive video project. Therefore two of my fellow students organised a good location, drinks and something to eat for the visitors and of course for us. It was a quite successfull event with nearly no technical problems and a good amount of visitors at least for the first round (the event was divided in to two rounds). To show you the results of our work:
RiG interactive video
Also I already found the work of some fellow student groups online:
Irresponsible use of media
Alien Invasion
Busje komt zo
Urban Mayhem

Hope you enjoy these

Dienstag, 28. September 2010

My study: Creative Technology

Since I am studying Creative Technology, I would like to tell you what I think about it so far.
Well at first I need to tell you that there are three courses by now. Those are "We Create Identity", "Graphic Design" and "Introduction To Computer Science".
In the first one or two weeks "We Create Identity" was really confusing for me. This was because I did not really have an idea about the courses goal. By now I like the course and I recognized that this course is mainly about two things. One is that you learn to present yourself, the other thing is to explore a huge amount of technology mainly online, like this blogging site, google documents, google groups and so on.
Graphic Design is a second course which confused me at first, because the course started by talking about numbers, letters and signs and that for hours. But then we went on with talking about pictures. Now I really have an idea how to use typefaces and where to place an object in a picture as well as the colour, size ... I use. This is really helpful and I like to sit in the classroom and talk about the work of my fellow students as well as it is very helpful hearing them talk about your work and making suggestions about what could be done better.
Our third course is Introduction to Computer Science which I liked from the beginning because it really is the most technical course which I am very interested in. We are talking about everything like the OSI model in a very practic way as I think.
Actually that is everything by now and I am looking forward to our programming courses hoping there will be as much game designing aspects as possible :)

Project RiG

In our course "We Create Identity" we got the task to create an interactive video.
For those who do not know what an interactive video is, see one of the examples on
At first we had to decide about which theme we would like to do the video.
There were some given themes:
  1. urban -- (un)safety in urban environment(s)
  2. climate -- climate change and energy consumption
  3. fitness-- (social network) support for sport and fitness
  4. media -- prevent(ion) of media and information overload
  5. scenario(s) -- emergency / rescue in public area(s)
  6. communication -- exchange(s) in private/public space(s) 
... ,but we could also use our own themes.

I was especially interested in the given theme fitness and my own theme education.
Because of that, I searched for classmates having similar interests.
Now my groupmates are Tobias , Ernst , Cecile and Milena.

Well then we started to think about many things how to reach our goals which were create something that improves the fitness of people and their educational knowledge.
I will only tell you in short what it is we figured out finally, you can read more on our homepage.
So we decided to create a game called RiG (Reality interacts Gaming). This game should work on our whole Campus which is very big. It works like following, you need a smartphone which would be offered by the university. The RiG game would be available for these smartphones, of course for free. The game's goal is to get as many points as possible. You can get points by going to your courses. To make sure you really were there you would have to scan a bar code in the classroom which changes every course. Another way to get points is to do sports courses or just do sports on your own which will be recognized by the integrated GPS function. You can always compare your point status with other's point statuses online. In the end of the year the best students get some prices like the X-Tra card for free or some sport clothes or things like that.
Actually that is the main thing about the RiG application. But our interactive video is not that game, it is a story about a fat lazy student who sees the game in an advertisement and has the chance to change his life.
Hopefully I can present you some material soon.

At last I would like to tell you what is my part in this whole project.
Well since we are planning everything together, like the storyline, the video scenes, the texts and so on there is only a few things you do alone - present your group - make changes out of your member's advices...
Those are:
- making an introduction video, although Milena makes one as well.
- searching for music in the videos
- putting the videos together, making an interactive video out of it with XIMPEL.

Well this are so far my tasks I am doing alone at home ;)

Mittwoch, 22. September 2010

The Little Man's Machine

As I am more the technologycal gifted person than the creative, I find it very interesting how machine code language works.
In another of our courses called Introduction to Computer Science we had to programm very simple things with an application called the LittleMan'sMachine, which is nearly like a machine code language. I will talk about the little difference later.
You can find this application on: .
As you need Java installed on your computer here is a link for Java too: .

So we had some tasks to do with this application. After getting to know how the application works we had two main tasks which were the following:

fourth example:
  • make a program that compares two numbers (in cells 30 and 31),
  • if the first is smaller than the second, a "0" should be written to outbox,
  • if the second is smaller than the first one, a "1" should be written to outbox.
  • test your program with different numbers. 
fifth example
  • make a program that divides the number in cell 30 by the number in cell 31,
  • writes the whole number result into cell 32 and the rest in cell 33.
I will upload both of my conclusions but in order to spare time i will only explain the more difficult one (fifth example) .

fourth example conclusion:

fifth example conclusion:

Okay now I will explain the fifth example.
The task was to divide a number by another and gives out the whole number result as well as the rest.
So at first you need to think about how to divide, because in this application there is no operator that can divide.
But as you think about what dividing is you might find out that dividing is simply repeatly subtracting.
For example 5 divided by 2 is 2 and 1 rest, like 5-2=3 and you save 1 time substracted, 3-2=1 and you save 2 times substracted,1 < 2 so you save 2 times substracted and there is 1 rest.
So what out programm has to do is substract the second number from the first and save the number of substractions until the rest is smaller than the second number. 

Explanation of the code:
Cell 0: We load the number in cell 30 which is in the upper example the 5
Cell 1: We save the loaded number (here 5) in cell 20
Cell 2: We load the number in cell 30 again (makes no sence in first run but later we have to jump back to this point)
Cell 3: We subtract the number in cell 31 from the accumulator (here 5-2), the result is saved in the accumulator
Cell 4: We check whether the number in the accumulator is higher or 0. (here 3 >= 0 ==  true) As this is the case we jump to cell 10
Cell 10: We save the value of the accumulator in cell 20 (here 3)
Cell 11: We load the value of cell 32 which is the cell where in the end the whole number result is written in but right now the value is 0
Cell 12: We add the number in cell 8 which is a 1 to the accumulator (0+1=1)
Cell 13: We store the 1 in cell 32 that represents that we did 1 substraction until now
Cell 14: We jump back to cell 2
Cell 2: We load the rest of our number from cell 20 into the accumulator (here 3)
Cell 3: We substract the number in cell 31 from the accumulator value (here 3-2=1)
Cell 4: We check whether the number in the accumulator is higher or 0. (here 1 >= 0 ==  true) As this is the case we jump to cell 10
Cell 10: We save the value of the accumulator in cell 20 (here 1)
Cell 11: We load the value of cell 32 which is the cell where in the end the whole number result is written in (here 1)
Cell 12: We add the number in cell 8 which is a 1 to the accumulator (1+1=2)
Cell 13: We store the 2 in cell 32 that represents that we did 2 substractions until now
Cell 14: We jump back to cell 2
Cell 2: We load the rest of our number again (here1)
Cell 3: We substract the number in cell 31 from the accumulator value (here 1-2=-1)
Cell 4: We check whether the number in the accumulator is higher or 0. (here -1 >= 0 == false) As this isnot the case we do not jump to another cell than simply the next.
Cell 5: We add the last substracted number from the accumulator to get the rest (here -1+2=1)
Cell 6: We save the rest in cell 33 (here 1)
Cell 7: The programm ends

So in the end just the difference between this and real machine code. This is with numbers from 1 to 10 but the real machine code works with only ones and zeros so it would look even more complicated and nearly unreadable.

So i have created my first blog and do not really know what to write in.
At first I would like to say that you can keep any misspelling and try to make an alphabet soup out of it. ;)
So ... something about me:
I am 20 years old.
I like waterpolo and swimming.
I used to play a bit on my e-guitar and of course I like doing computer stuff.
Last but not least I like meeting friends and going out with them.
And for those who randomly visit my blog and do not know me, I am studying Creative Technology at the University of Twente right now ;)